Weight Loss Surgery Works!

As a 7-year post-op roux-en-y (gastric bypass) individual, I talk to pre-ops and post-ops all the time.  I talk about the good, the bad and the ugly with pre-ops. I talk about the lifetime committment to taking care of ourselves with the post-ops as well as the ongoing, never-ending head battles that got us obese in the first place.

I have the privilege of being involved with the Weight Loss Surgery Foundation of America – a 1500+ strong (and growing daily) on-line organization that is made up primarily of WLS post-ops and some pre-ops, looking for 1) peer support and 2) some way to give back to our unique community. This is why I love the Weight loss Surgery Foundation of America!  We just spent 3 days in Las Vegas – 500 of us … and had a blast.   Our COMBINED total weight loss was almost 37,000 pounds!

Would you like to see the joy of before and after photos?  Here is a sampling of our Beautiful WLS Peeps celebrating and sharing their success, health, happiness and new lives!  This alone speaks to the fact that WLS WORKS!

Weight loss surgery is NOT for everyone, nor the easy way out, nor a cop-out to will-power – to be successful, it takes a lifetime committment to taking care of our bodies – from working through often serious psychological issues, serious and debilitating health issues, destroyed self esteem – to paying daily attention to meeting our altered nutritional needs, exercise (yes, exercise), dealing with the same lifelong “head battles” we have always had and avoiding cross-addiction issues.

The reward?  Minimizing or eliminating the serious health issues, renewed confidence, healthier lifestyles, longer life, fully enjoying our families (or having families in some cases) and our daily existence.

As a foundation, we have over the last year and a half, raised funds to provide grants for:

  • Three (3) weight loss surgery procedures (thanks in part to the generous donation of the procedures by surgeons involved with bariatric Centers of Excellence) for individuals who did not have health insurance or whos health insurance would not cover WLS
  • One (1) full body lift for a post-op who had lost in the neighborhood of 200 pounds (again thanks in part to the generous donation of the procedure by one of our participating plastic surgeons).  Most health insurance companies will not cover these procedures as they are considered “cosmetic”.
  • One (1) co-payment to enable another member to have surgery.  She was otherwise unable to afford the co-pay and would not have been able to have the surgery.
  • One (1) grant to cover laboratory tests that the pre-op could not otherwise afford

And we convinced one medical supply company to continue to provide one super-morbidly pre-op with an in-home hospital bed while he is losing enough weight to safely have gastric bypass surgery.

We are in the process of forming face-to-face chapters around the country.  If you know of anyone who has had a weight loss surgery procedure or is in the pre-op or investigative stage, please let them know about this incredible organization.

The disease of obesity continues to grow in this country – and the fight to end it, one pound at a time, will always be the mission and goal of the WLSFA.

Ok – I’m off my soapbox now!

And, of course, Namaste!   I honor you!

9 thoughts on “Weight Loss Surgery Works!”

  1. Thank you so much for sharing. Good luck! Congrats with your achievement. I have researched much as I am not convinced that weight loss surgery is my option, and I am glad that I found something that saved me from the surgical knife cost and complications as well as irreversible damage. Roca Labs gastric bypass no surgery has helped me loss 43 lbs and still counting… I am glad that I am winning back a healthy weight. I am sharing this to let others know that there is an alternative to surgery and a healthy approach to weight problem. I hope you don’t get me wrong.


    1. I will be the first to say that weight loss surgery is not for everyone. That being said, I also know that I tried for 20 years every conceivable “weight loss promise” product out there and, though I may have lost some weight, after going off of the product, regained (plus) the weight. I personally do not hold much faith in “get rich quick” schemes when it comes to weight loss “promises”.

      Weight loss surgery is a TOOL, not a promise. How you work the tool determines your success.

      Best of luck to you! I hope it works for you in the LONG TERM!!!!!


    1. I will be the first to say that weight loss surgery is not for everyone. That being said, I also know that I tried for 20 years every conceivable “weight loss promise” product out there and, though I may have lost some weight, after going off of the product, regained (plus) the weight. I personally do not hold much faith in “get rich quick” schemes when it comes to weight loss “promises”.

      Weight loss surgery is a TOOL, not a promise. How you work the tool determines your success.

      Best of luck to you in your commercial endeavor!


    1. Awe …. thanks for checking in on me, Maggie! It’s just been hellaciously busy on top of getting a new computer and getting it all set up with my business stuff …… I’m on here every day but just can’t seem to find the quiet time to write! More very soon, for sure!!!!

      Big Thursday hugs to you! I’m on my way to Reno for the weekend with my daughter … a mother/daughter get away and Saturday spa day … can’t wait!!


  2. Hi Itty Bitty: Your timing on posting this, or mine in reading it, is spooky. I met a business acquaintance for coffee this morning, someone I haven’t seen for 5 years. I wouldn’t have recognized her, not one bit. When she walked in the cafe, waved and smiled, you could have knocked me over. 3 years ago she had bariatic surgery, and she looks fabulous! Trim, pretty and happy. It does work.


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